Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fade out of focus windows in xmonad with xcompmgr and transset

Assuming that you have xmonad already installed on an ubuntu (or other debian based) machine:
  • Install xcompmgr and transset:
sudo apt-get install xcompmgr transset
  • Add the following to your .xprofile:
xcompmgr -c&
  • Add the following to your xmonad.hs:
import XMonad.Hooks.FadeInactive
myLogHook :: X ()
myLogHook = fadeInactiveLogHook fadeAmount
where fadeAmount = 0.4 --or 0xdddddddd etc
main = xmonad defaultConfig { logHook = myLogHook }
-- replace defaultConfig with your config class (ie gnomeConfig if you're using gnome+xmonad)
  • Restart your x session (logout)
  • Done




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