Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Emacs Dired mode quick reference.

Some particular highlights are:
  • To enter Dired mode simply do C-x C-f and select a directory
  • To open a file or directory, move the cursor to the name of the file you want to edit and hit enter (or e)
  • Create a directory - +
  • Copy a file - S[hift]-c
  • Move/rename a file - S-r
  • Delete a file by pressing `d` to mark it for deletion, then press `x` to process all marked files. Press `u` to deselect a file marked for deletion.
  • Press `~` to mark all backup files in the current directory for deletion (again, use `x` to actually remove them).
  • Refresh the Dired screen with `g`
  • Diff two files with `=`
  • Mark a file with `m` and then perform a shell command on said marked files with `!`. You can also just run a command with `!`. For example, download a zip file with `!wget www.com/somezipfile.zip` and then with that zipfile under the cursor, run `!unzip`
  • And the coolest bit, you can use regex to rename groups of files in a directory with %r. If you have Main.as and Main.2.as and you want to rename them to main.as and main.2.as, you can do `Main\(.+\).as` to `main\1.as`

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