Multi-term - finally (probably for a while) has support for remapping important keys.
auto-dim-other - very useful as it dims other buffers making it easier to know which is the active buffer
windmove - built in since emacs 21, allows binding keys to 'windmove-[left|right|up|down]. Decided that C-cC-n, C-cC-p, C-cC-a, C-cC-f are the easiest for moving around the buffers and the most similar to current functionality (C-n moves down a line, C-p moves up a line, C-a moves to the front of a line, C-e to the end). This does mean unbinding these keys from all the various modes that want to use these keys as well, the biggest pain being elpy-flymake, which doesn't seem to want to honor hooks attached to elpy-flymake-mode-hook or elpy-mode-hook.
ivy - much nicer matching and drop-down menus for things such as M-x functions
counsel - provides lots of symbol completion for various modes and in particular, ivy.
codesearch - tool for using google codesearch
counsel-codesearch - counsel bindings for codesearch
find-file-in-repo - a faster code search tool using the indexing provided by git (or other dvcs).
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