An excellent comparison of If/Else vs Dictionary is provided at StackOverflow. To summarize, using a dictionary ...
- is built-in
- is pythonic
- requires less boilerplate code
- has O(1) complexity, compared to the if-else linear O(n) complexity
ifs = [] dict = [] for i in range(60): string = 'str%d' % i ifs.append(' %sif str == "%s": return %d' % ('el' if i else '', string, i)) dict.append('"%s": %d' % (string, i)) print 'dict = {', ','.join(dict), '}' print 'def with_dict(str):' print ' return dict[str]' print 'def with_if(str):' print '\n'.join(ifs) print ''' import timeit def test_dict(): for i in range(60): with_dict("str%d" % i) def test_if(): for i in range(60): with_if("str%d" %i) print 'dict:', timeit.timeit(test_dict, number=10000) print 'if: ', timeit.timeit(test_if, number=10000)'''
Assuming the script is named, it's run as
python | python
.On a basic Lenovo T430, it gives:
dict: 0.429204940796
if: 1.22928714752
Dictionary mapping wins.
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