Monday, June 29, 2009

Stupid Adventures in Djangoland

After converting a project and doing some directory wide find-replace's, I kept getting this error in django:

TemplateSyntaxError at /admin/ Caught an exception while rendering: maximum recursion depth exceeded
A little background, all my projects are usually named 'backend', with the front end code (usually flash) in a separate directory 'frontend'. So for example in, I install apps in django by adding '' to INSTALLED_APPS. Anyway, after commenting out huge chunks of code I eventually turned to one of the last things I could turn to to start commenting stuff out. So things Amongst the urlpatterns I found a line (r'^app/', include('backend.urls')). Some how, after the find-replace session, this line was setup to constantly reference the that it resided in, which resulted in the error stated above.

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