Saturday, April 25, 2009

Traffic Saturday, April 25, 2009

Traffic sucks, but worse it seems to be unpredictable.. and not just because of accidents. I'll keeping track of some stats, just for the sake of keeping stats (I have a stupid theory atm that there's a relation to whether it's overcast or not..). I know Saturday sorta doesnt count as it's not a weekday, but I was really annoyed with traffic today so I started today.

heavy traffic - traffic (speeds <20 mph) before Crenshaw (Crunchshaw)
medium - traffic starts at Crenshaw
light - traffic starts at or after Washington Fairfax
none - drive at typical speeds (75mph) all the way to santa monica

weather: sunny/hot
traffic: heavy
time: 13:45-14:30

weather: dark
traffic: medium
time: 16:45-17:15

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