Saturday, August 10, 2013

Riak $key index is slower than just get_keys..

For riak 1.4 using leveldb as the backend so that secondary indexing is enabled via

{riak_kv, [{storage_backend, riak_kv_eleveldb_backend},...]}
{eleveldb, [
             {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/leveldb"}


from riak import RiakClient, RiakPbcTransport; ds = RiakClient('',port=1030, transport_class=RiakPbcTransport)
[ipython 11]: for x in xrange(1, 100000):


from riak.mapreduce import RiakMapReduce, RiakKeyFilter
mr = MapReduce(self.datastore_client.riak_client)

b = ds.bucket('stuff')



[ipython 21]: %time max([int(_id.get_key().split('bob_')[1]) for _id in])
CPU times: user 4.09 s, sys: 0.31 s, total: 4.40 s
Wall time: 40.94 s
      Out[21]: 99999

[ipython 22]: %time max([int(_id.get_key().split('bob_')[1]) for _id in ds.index('stuff', "$key", ' ', '~').run()])
CPU times: user 4.16 s, sys: 0.32 s, total: 4.48 s
Wall time: 41.80 s
      Out[22]: 99999

[ipython 23]: %time max([int(_id.split('bob_')[1]) for _id in ds.bucket('stuff').get_keys()])
CPU times: user 0.48 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 0.49 s
Wall time: 1.39 s
      Out[23]: 99999

Granted it's a super simple test, but the results are still confusing.  It could be a misconfigured leveldb?  Turning it on seems pretty basic.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Winpdb, awesome debugger.. needs emacs interface tho..

 After working with horrible php but the awesome xdebug+geben for emacs, I finally found an equivalent for python: winpdb and rpdb2.

In your code all you need is

import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('asdf',fAllowRemote=True)

where 'asdf' is just some password you come up with so that other users can't start debugging on your code.

Then start winpdb, navigate to file->attach, enter the password you chose, point it at your host and then debug away.
